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New Research Establishes Safety And Feasibility For Group Psilocybin Administration
A recent phase 1, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study conducted by the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology, & Neuroscience...

Psilocybin Reduces Suicidal Ideation And Restores Meaning Among Cancer Patients
End-of-life care has long been one of the key areas of interest in psychedelic research. A recent randomized controlled trial study...

Psychedelics And Other Psychoplastogens Heal Physical Brain Damage
Psychedelic substances are quickly becoming a major disruptive force in the treatment of various mental health conditions. Psychedelics...

Ayahuasca Ceremonies Linked To Enduring Reduction In Neuroticism
As clinical research into psychedelic medicines grows in momentum, one of the often overlooked opportunities for studying psychedelics is...

Psychedelics Reduce Anxiety And Depression Through Spirituality
Psychedelics have long been utilized in non-Western cultures as a sacrament in spiritual and religious ceremonies to deepen connection to...

Psilocybin Reduces Alcohol Use Disorder Relapses
Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is a debilitating mental health condition impacting over 23 million Americans. AUD causes severe physical and...

Psilocybin Therapy Enhances Cognitive And Neural Flexibility In Depressed Patients
A recent study published in Translational Psychiatry suggests that psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy appears to enhance cognitive and...

Largest Survey Study Reports Lower Anxiety And Depression Amongst Microdosers
Results from the largest survey study of microdosing published last week further validate the many reported benefits of microdosing...

Largest Ever Psilocybin Therapy Trial Shows Depressive Symptoms Rapidly Reduced
The results from the largest psilocybin therapy trial ever conducted, further validate the growing body of clinical research evidence...

Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy Might Reduce Attachment Anxiety
According to Attachment Theory, a psychological, ethological, and evolutionary theory that explores how people connect to one another,...

Psilocybin For Smoking Cessation Research Now Funded By The NIH
For the first time in 50 years, the US government has issued a federal grant for studying psychedelics. In a groundbreaking move, the...

Psilocybin May Improve Major Depression in Cancer Patients
A recent open-label study conducted by Maryland Oncology Hematology at the Aquilino Cancer Center in Rockville on the effects of...

Mindful Microdosing Course
A 6-Week Self-Guided Journey To Build, Evolve & Deepen Your Mindful Microdosing Practice

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