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Can Psychedelics Reduce Risk Of Hypertension?

While the scientific research and exploration into the benefits of psychedelics is still very new, nearly all of the conversation on the topic has been focused on the benefits of psychedelic medicines for mental health and neurodegenerative disorders, until now...

A recent study at the University Of Oxford explored the link between psychedelic use and the risk of hypertension; the results were fascinating!

"According to the findings, a “lifetime” of use of psychedelics was linked to a 14 percent decrease in developing hypertension. Substances that contain tryptamine — psilocybin, LSD, and DMT, for example — were linked to a 20 percent decreased risk of developing hypertension, the research found. Tryptamines work with serotonin 1A receptors in the brain. They’re linked to antidepressant and potentially antihypertensive effects, the team noted."

This study opens the door for further exploration of the effects of psychedelics in cardiopulmonary conditions.

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The perspectives and recommendations on this website are not made by a medical professional and should not be considered medical advice. Readers are encouraged to consult their physician before taking any supplements or substances. 


While we believe that psychedelic medicines must be decriminalized, psychedelic substances are still considered  "Schedule I" substances in the US and continue to be subject to strong enforcement across nearly all states. The reader is responsible for checking their local rules and regulations and making informed decisions with all risk considerations. Microdose Guru does not endorse or accept liability for its readers' personal choices.  

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