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Anahita Anais

Ketamine Therapy Strongly Outperforms Antidepressants; Largest To Date Study Shows

Updated: Jan 2

Preliminary results from the largest ever study of ketamine-assisted therapy (KAT) suggest that at-home ketamine therapy is both safe and highly effective in treating depression and anxiety with results outperforming traditional antidepressant treatments. The complete peer-reviewed study results are set to publish in October 2022.

The prospective open-label effectiveness trial conducted by Mindbloom, a New York-based psychedelic therapeutics company, included 1247 participants who suffered from symptoms of depression and anxiety. Following four weeks of KAT, using sublingual ketamine tablets, delivered through a telehealth provider, the participants reported significant positive outcomes.

According to the preliminary published results:

  • 89% of the participants reported improvement in their depression or anxiety symptoms

  • 63% of participants reported a 50% or greater reduction in symptoms

  • Participants reported over 30% remission of both anxiety & depression symptoms

  • 62% of the participants reported no longer experiencing suicidal ideations

  • Improvements in depression symptoms were strongly higher than traditional treatments like antidepressants and also superior to results reported for IV ketamine infusions.

  • Side effects were minimal and limited to 5% of trial participants

Although the complete study data and details are yet to be published, the reported preliminary results suggest that at-home oral KAT can be a highly promising and cost-effective option for patients with anxiety and depression.

A side-by-side comparison of the patient outcomes across traditional psychotherapy, antidepressants, ketamine IV infusions, and sublingual ketamine tablets is suggesting far superior outcomes with the at-home sublingual treatment as demonstrated below:

With the high costs of traditional ketamine treatment and local access limitations to a ketamine therapist, an effective at-home sublingual KAT model can mean expanded access, reduced cost, and improved patient outcomes.

Although an open-label study performed by the producers and providers of the therapy is far from a double-blind placebo-controlled study, it is a great promising step towards a potentially more bright future for populations who suffer from depression and anxiety.


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The perspectives and recommendations on this website are not made by a medical professional and should not be considered medical advice. Readers are encouraged to consult their physician before taking any supplements or substances. 


While we believe that psychedelic medicines must be decriminalized, psychedelic substances are still considered  "Schedule I" substances in the US and continue to be subject to strong enforcement across nearly all states. The reader is responsible for checking their local rules and regulations and making informed decisions with all risk considerations. Microdose Guru does accept liability for its readers' personal choices. We are a strictly educational platform. 

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